Rules of Conduct
FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED, 9 Seagrave Road (London SW6 1RP) Company Number 14509472 Owner's email address: RULES OF CONDUCT PREMISE The Rules of Conduct are intended to empower and protect the interests of all Collaborators, Customers and FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED itself.
They form an integral part of priority importance in the COLLABORATOR'S APPOINTMENT LETTER, highlighting rights, duties and prohibitions. The Rules of Conduct comply with applicable laws and FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED assumes responsibility for implementing them within its commercial network.
They can be modified, always in consideration of the laws in force, even without notice. In the event that a state authority contests one or more rules, this does not invalidate the rest. The Rules of Conduct would like to make the Collaborators more responsible and satisfied, however any infringements committed by the Collaborators on any prohibition, may be punished by FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED in the way it will be deemed most appropriate in its unquestionable judgment. The types of sanctions could be: admonitions, temporary suspensions of the code and of the account, up to actual expulsions from the commercial network and from the FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED community.
Based on the seriousness of the actions committed, the company reserves the right to act legally and to proceed with requests for compensation.
The appointee has the right to be able to present himself as a Collaborator or Consultant of FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED, knowing that he can boast of the good name of the company. DUTIES At official events, the Collaborator has a duty to present himself in decent attire that is appropriate to the professional context he represents. BANS It is prohibited to adversely affect the reputation of FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED as well as other Contributors through improper or reckless conduct. Verbal expressions must not be false or offensive. It is forbidden to transmit misleading or incomplete information, even if the purpose is to close a deal; transparency is the foundation of the FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED community. BUSINESS RIGHTS Contributor has the right to use and promote all business services of FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED.
The Collaborator has the right to be able to request and obtain information, starting from his sponsor and progressively going up to the company in the event that the answers are not exhaustive. The Collaborator has the right to benefit from the training and personal growth that FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED makes available to its commercial network. The Collaborator has the right to receive symbolic recognition, public and/or private, of the results achieved in the Career Plan. For the entire duration of the contract, the Collaborator owns the ownership of his position in the Affiliation line. FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED guarantees each individual Collaborator on compliance with this Line.
The Collaborator has the duty to adequately train and inform himself in order to be able to carry out his activity in a professional and decent manner, he is also obliged to participate in training and information events, both Live and via Digital (Webinar). The Collaborator has the absolute duty to adequately follow his own "downline", updating and keeping all the collaborators of his structure and customers constantly updated. This obligation applies to every collaborator who has achieved the third qualification.
It is forbidden to upset the commercial activity by debasing the sale of primary importance services in the face of an unhealthy attitude and which could lead to the mere recruitment of new entries, whether they are Customers or other Collaborators. Any "crossline" activity is prohibited. Specifically, contact other Collaborators/Customers already paying and registered under other Sponsors, in order to convert them under your network with any promotion or incentive. It is forbidden to use brands and trademarks improperly and/or without prior authorization, without respecting the normal bases of the USE REGULATIONS OF SOCIAL MEDIA.
The Collaborator has the right to affiliate collaborators and customers and therefore to receive the entitlements detailed in the AFFILIATE CBD REWARDS document. The eligibility to obtain the recognitions, fees and prizes is provided exclusively for individuals, natural or legal, who comply with the declarations signed in the COLLABORATOR's appointment letter. FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED therefore requires correct and timely information from each individual Consultant on their tax and social security position, specifying that any changes in the making must be promptly communicated to the the company. CBD is not liable for any tax and/or social security breaches of its Collaborators, but the signing of the contract grants the right to be able to ask each Collaborator to comply with the obligations and to verify compliance.
Any request for money other than the purchase of FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED services is prohibited. It is forbidden for any Collaborator to receive money for any reason in the name and on behalf of FINETH CORPORATE LIMITED.
Last updated